Saturday, December 5, 2009

A few happy tears have been shed

I no longer can say that I have an infant, a baby...he's an undeniable, fearless, fast-moving, inquisitive, attentive TODDLER! Check out this action:

He pulls himself up using everything he can! He loves to turn over toys, try to figure out where the sound comes from, turn screws, and just general exploration. While I was at work Friday, he was playing in the living room with daddy, then just crawled away, crawled to the stairs, went right up them (with daddy behind him) and he bee lined for the bathroom and tried to get into the tub to play with his tub toys! All without skipping a beat! I miss my baby, but so love each day with my new toddler. He is giving me a new appreciation for life and the discovery and wonder of learning!


Unknown said...

I cant believe how big he is!!! What a great job, G-Man on making those stairs.

Maddie is leaving me now as well and I'm like, "what, am I not your center of the universe anymore??" Nope, I think not. :)

Do you have a tree up? Is he enjoying the lights??

Ginger said...

How sweet! I have teens and preteens, and it really does seems like I blinked and they weren't little anymore. (BTW, 13 is a lot like three...)
Thanks for stopping by my blog! Good to meet you.