Friday, December 4, 2009

I *was* missing my girlz scrapping weekend, until tonite.

This picture was taken one year ago this weekend by Tina!

So, there is this group of women that I have scrapbooked with every December and many spring weekends for years. This is the weekend of the December crop. A year ago this was happening there, and this, and this too! Typically, Susan and I tease each other, Mary helps me tease Susan, Crystal and I moan about the endless Christmas music sometime on Saturday and we eat fabulous food from Tina. There is a TON of idea and layout sharing, talking about families, what we've been up to the past year and of course, scrapbooking, both digital and traditional. Tina hs been my "dealer" for years! I have now converted to digital and still buy my electronic doodads from Tina, you can check out her web site here.

So, I was missing this stuff after seeing some Facebook posts from Tina and Crystal. Until tonite...I worked 11.5 hours today, was away from my baby and hubby for just over 13 hours and I could not get home fast enough!!! Tonite I held my little G-Man in my arms in the dark living room. The soft white lights on the Christmas tree casting perfect shadows across his ear and nose and he fell asleep nursing. I could hear the Christmas carols playing softly in the other room and I just knew that nothing in the world could top this feeling of complete peace and quiet bliss. So, sorry ladies, even though my baby is not really a baby anymore (see tomorrow's blog for those details!) I am sooooooooo not ready to be away from him for a weekend. I know he'd be safe and have fun with daddy, but my heart could not handle the separation yet.

p.s. Tina, I HOPE that you are documenting funny quotes again this year! I can't wait to live vicariously thru them and your stories!


Tina Vega said...

We know you'll be back sometime :) Have fun with your boys... the Susan-teasing can wait. Talk to you soon!

Crystal said...

My fav quote of the weekend came from Susan. At one point she said, "I'm a sick individual." I'm not sure even realized anyone was listening to her, but I thought it was hilarious!! We missed having you, but understand we can compete with your cute little G-man. :)