Tuesday, December 29, 2009

ya, I'm a delinquent~

Daddy reading G-Man, Monster and Cat (crawling into the stuffed animal box) a bed time story.
The week before Christmas G-Man had his first (and hopefully last!) ear infection. We found out during the course of antibiotics that he is allergic to ammoxicillin. Ugh, poor punkin was a trooper though.

Helping Daddy install the baby gate at the top of one set of stairs. "Ohhhhh, power tools!"

We had a WONDERFUL 1st Christmas with G-Man! He met Santa at my mom's house, took in huge noisy crowds all in stride, played with toys that Santa left at our home on Christmas Eve, played again on Christmas day all day...it was the best! K is sick and has been for a week now, sick enough that he hasn't gone into work at all this week.

G-Man is helping Santa with jingle bells at my mom's house the week before Christmas!

I have not started a single page of G-Man's baby album (scrapbook) and I was hoping to be at least thru 6 months by the time his first birthday rolled around. I am not thinking that can happen in 24 days...

Meeting Santa with Mommy & Daddy!

G is also not a great sleeper, never has been so 11 months of sleep deprivation are taking it's toll. I am tired! And no, I REFUSE to let him cry himself to sleep. I believe that is cruel and bad parenting. Again, I stick to my attachment parenting philosophy...so I checked out a book by the Drs. Searses called The Baby Sleep Book. I LOVE IT and I have only read 1 chapter. (By not a great sleeper, I mean if we have less than 8 wake ups in a 12 hour period it's a great nite of sleep!)
So, enjoy the pics, know that none are edited! Hope you and yours have a safe, blessed, happy 2010!Christmas Eve at our home, here with my Mom.

Christmas Morning at our home and presents from Santa

Playin with Grandpa's slot car race track Christmas Day.


Unknown said...

Ohhhhhhhh, I've missed you so much!!!

What wonderful pictures, it's as if I spent the Holidays with ya. :)

I hear ya about the sleep. Maddie and I are now cosleepers and she still wakes up around 6 times a night to nurse. I may check out Dr. Sears as well :)

What do you have planned for New Years?? Getting to bed earlier? :)

Maddie is calling from her bed...gotta go :)

Crystal said...

Looks like you had a fun Christmas full of 1st for G-man. Love the pic of him with tools. Not sure if you are ready yet, but if you are looking to scrapbook let me know. I am hosting an event in January and retreat in February! I understand if it isn't your priority right now though. Hope you guys all feel better soon! Happy New Year!

Tina Vega said...

Can't believe his first birthday is just around the corner. Where did the time go??? It looks like you had a wonderful first Christmas together... glad, too, to hear you found out what was causing the rash! Poor little guy. Hope K is feeling better soon as well.

Kari Fox said...

Thank you so much for the pictures, a peak into the family.

You are all so beautiful.