Monday, September 28, 2009

the crud

Regardless of what the calendar says, it officially became fall at house this weekend. Little G-man got his first cold of the season and he lovingly shared it with momma! We are both boogery and stuffy. He started feeling crummy Friday midday so when I got home from work we called our acupuncturist and got an appointment for Saturday am. He is a *great* acupuncture patient and we have a fab. acupuncturist! (here he is in case you are looking for one) I am thinking I need to get in to get needled some time soon too. We are hydrating, I am taking extra vitamins (since they also pass thru breast milk) and we are both taking some Chinese herbs too. Hopefully this will pass soon.
Lil G was feeling a bit better by Sunday so we hit the Farmer's Market in St. Paul to stock up on more fresh local produce so I can make more of his baby food. So far, it's working out well and I have made all of his baby food. I hope I can keep it up! Here's to a healthy and well autumn to you all!

1 comment:

Crystal said...

Hope you both feel better soon!