Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Ya, we're still alive!

It's just been a terribly busy end to August and start of September. Rather than bore you with the details (or my thoughts about Socailist Health Care in the USA) I thought you may enjoy some pictures of the gorgeous G-Man.
G-man and Gramma at the Minnesota Zoo Butterfly Garden. Gramma brought him to the zoo for the first time and he loved the butterfly garden. (of course I had to tag along!)

Eating sweet potatoes at the dinner table with the whole family. Yum! No, he doesn't feed himself already, he was just doing great with the spoon and it's the first time I let him hold it. So smart!

Really, he loves beets, really!

Grampa Don souped up the old walker that he and Gramma Nancy found in their basement. Now it sports Nascar stuff. G-Man takes it seriously zooming (albeit only in reverse and laterally) around the deck; so many fun things to see in the backyard! We try to spend at least 30 minutes each evening out here. Yes, he zoomed over to the railing all on his own to see.

Every morning when I get G-Man dressed I can't help but tickle and kiss his tummy and toes. We giggle and laugh and he pulls my hair and ears. Lately, I have been getting lots of full belly laughs from him. It is truly the sound of angels!

G-man is so curious and loves to explore. This little Haba toy was studied for a good 10 seconds before he popped it into his mouth to taste test for further analysis!

I just took this one tonite (9-9-09) and yes that is an oak tree in the background that is already turning colors...however, more importantly...i don't think it's possible to love 2 people more than I love my boys. I am so blessed it leaves me speechless.


Unknown said...

Ok, so after your first sentence, I was like, "oh, wait, lets talk about that healthcare," but by the time the first picture was up I was completely sidetracked by beautiful innocense. :)

You are so blessed to have such a great family. Those pics were/are great. I love the one with him and the toy. :)

And with the spoon, sometimes its great to let the little one hold a spoon while you feed. We did that once with Maddie and then she started gagging herself with the spoon so that it ended pretty quickly, but they get the idea of it so quickly and want to be a part of it all. :)

Again, just great pics!

Tina Vega said...

What beautiful pics! I love the one with your two boys and the first sign of fall. (Can you believe how fast time flies?) Can't wait to see you guys...

Crystal said...

Love the pics! G-man is getting so big!