Step 1: apply a wet concrete mixture to the countertops, 2 coats...
Step 2: apply dye (this is where it all went desperately, sadly wrong)
Step 4: cry, then try to faux finish paint the countertop (still hate it)
Step 5: spend lots of time at Home Depot, Hirshfields, etc in the paint aisle trying to figure out how to fix this. Come up with the following...A coat of antique white latex paint, the apply spray stone product in 2 colors and 12 coats of top coat sealer.
Now, I like it. I am bummed that the countertops don't look or feel like concrete. I have loved that look for years and that was really what I was going for. But, this will do the trick. I wish I would have tried this first, it was TONS faster and only cost $50. The first attempt with the concrete and dye products cost around $200. Live and learn, right? I think the hubby summed it up best when he was consoling me. He told me that of all the home improvement projects we have done, this was the first one that didn't turn out the way we had hoped. And, he was right. I can't be too disappointed in that. Hubby also put the kitchen sink back in tonite! Ya, 2.5 weeks without a sink and now it's back! We still have to put the island back in place and do the trim in the kitchen, once that's all done, I'll post some of the overall before and after pics.