Tuesday, November 11, 2008

My hubby is so incredible!

We spent over 2.5 hours last nite at a baby store registering. I don't think K has ever been *in* a baby store in his life...let me tell you, nothing phased that man! He had some great ideas that I had not considered too. I was certain that I want to use glass bottles (for daycare when I go back to work) and he reminded me that sometimes we may want to have a plastic (BPA free) bottle that is less prone to breakage when dropped. Good call. We registered for both. Then that spurred a conversation about babies feeding themselves a bottle. I am not a fan of giving a baby a bottle, propping it up and letting them feed themselves, I don't like for a multitude of reasons. K had never thought about it and thought it was a normal way to give a bottle. So we had a great parenting-talk moment. It was nice to get to talk about some of those things. As we moved around the store, we had a few more of those kinds of conversations too. None of them were accusatory or nasty, just nice conversations about hopes and expectations. After we left, I asked K how he was doing, (I was wiped out!) he said it was actually all ok and he was feeling fine. I looked right at him and said, "Good, we need to hit Peapods soon to register there too!" The awesome man that he is, he didn't even flinch! What a trooper! I love him so much!

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