Monday, November 24, 2008

We have pileated woodpeckers- and they are NOT nice!

A pileated woodpecker used to be quite a rare sight. They are on a comeback now and are a non-migratory bird. From a distance, or rather from inside a house sided in steel or brick they are kinda pretty. However, from a house with cedar siding they are not nice to look at at all!!! We have to re-side the whole front of our house and all the trim pieces next summer thanks to our new "neighbors." Pileated woodpeckers are a federally protected bird (or I would do something pretty aggressive) and of course, they are one of the most territorial birds! Aren't we so lucky? It freaked me out when I saw this dude in the backyard the other day too, I knew we had woodpeckers, but I had no clue how big they were. This guy was well over 16" in body length alone! I read online that they are generally 16"-19" tall with a wingspan of 26"-30". Not a small bird. With it getting dark so early, I have not had a chance to get a pic of the 4-6" holes, yes multiple holes- in our house from this bugger. Oh and just today, I saw 2 juvenile pileateds in our yard. Ya, a family of house and tree destroying birds. Oh joy.


Amy said...

Oh no! I feel for you, but the only thing running thru my head is Woody Woodpecker saying, "HahahaHAha, HahahaHAha, hahahahahahaha!"

I bet Tina could Google and find an environmentally sound solution-we all know how she loves googling stuff! :)

Anonymous said...

It helps that I am home all the time - but whenever they (occassionally) come around - and I scare them away once or twice - they do not come back. Nothing agressive about the scaring either - I just go out the door closest to where they are "knocking" and ask them to go away. I haven't seen one now in a couple months.