Thursday, November 13, 2008

waking up with a smile on my face

Despite the alarm clock going off, the dog wiggling against the side of the bed and the cat meowing at o'dark-thirty this morning I had the best wake up of my life!

My amazing hubby rolled over, wrapped his arm around me and snuggled with me. At the same time, Baby woke up and started the morning calisthenics inside me. I could not imagine a better way to wake up and start my day than with the arms of the man I love the most wrapped around me and our baby moving inside me. It was extra special because of the way K was holding me he could feel baby moving around too. Even thinking about it 6 hours later still makes me so happy. I am truly blessed!

1 comment:

Kari Fox said...

Thank you for sharing that beautiful moment Mel. You are truly blessed.