Saturday, April 18, 2009

2(5+2.5)=A Rested Mommy

How's that for some math? For the last 2 nites little G-Man has slept for 5 hours (going down around 9:30), work up to nurse, then slept for another 2.5 hours! It's been wonderful. Although today I am wondering if it's related to a growth spurt. It's 2pm and he's only been awake to nurse several times today, then he crashes again. He's not usually this tired at all! But, he will be 3 months old next week so he is right on track for another growth spurt. K joked "you mean this hasn't been an endless growth spurt?"

Today, since he is just eating and sleeping I am wearing him in our new sling. I love this one! It goes over both shoulders so there is no back pain or fatigue. There are lots of positions I can wear him in as he gets bigger and has head control too. I think I may have to get this one in the camoflauge color too. I have been told that it's not fair to put little G-man in a pink sling.


Holly said...

That baby sling is really cute, and actually does look quite comfortable. :)

Unknown said...

Real men always wear pink. :)

I love the pic! I also love the sling! Ive got two different ones and I'm still not happy with either. I agree, both shoulders is much better than one. I'm gonna check out the link you posted.

Also, I agree with K, I seriously feel every moment is a growth spurt. They seem to change daily. :)

Crystal said...

He doesn't appear to notice the color.