Wednesday, February 10, 2010

I cannot believe this!

I am livid, enraged, fearful, and out of my freaking mind! First, let me tell you that I started listening to talk radio this month. I figured that since I was now old enough to listen to talk radio, I probably should just bite the bullet and do it. Anyway, I have been listening to KTLK 100.3 FM in the Twin Cities, MN. I like it, it's conservative. Mostly my kind of thing, mostly. I am amazed at how much I have been learning too. Now, remember I don't just hear something and believe it, but it gives me the opportunity to learn about a few new things and do a little research of my own to check facts. It's really been enlightning, and at times, it gets me all ramped up. This morning was one of the latter...

"A new report by the International Planned Parenthood Federation is advocating that children as young as 10 be given extensive sex education, including an awareness of sex's pleasures.
The report, "Stand and Deliver," charges that religious groups, specifically Catholics and Muslims, deny their young access to comprehensive sexual programs and education.
"Young people's sexuality is still contentious for many religious institutions. Fundamentalist and other religious groups — the Catholic Church and madrasas (Islamic Schools) for example — have imposed tremendous barriers that prevent young people, particularly, from obtaining information and services related to sex and reproduction. Currently, many religious teachings deny the pleasurable and positive aspects of sex." the report states..."

HELLOOOO???!!!! NO way in hell are you gonna tell my child at age freaking-10 that sex is pleasurable!!!! Are you kidding me!??? Agghhh! I am so not ok with this sexualizing of our children. THEY ARE KIDS! Here's more:

"The report demands that children 10 and older be given a "comprehensive sexuality education" by governments, aid organizations and other groups, and that young people should be seen as "sexual beings.""

Ok, really I am going to freaking lose it here. NO! My child is a CHILD, not a sexual being, not an object. I am not ok with this kind of education. Not ok with it on a religious front and on a moral front. Parents of school-age kids, be aware of what's being taught to your child in public schools. Get the curriculum and protect your child from views that can damage your child. To read the entire report (if you can get thru it in one sitting without screaming) go here.


Anonymous said...

Oh, my my my.

Did you miss this box in the report? (emphasis mine):

"The World Health Organization defines young people as those from 10 to 24 years of age, including adolescents (10–19 years) and youth (15–24 years). IPPF uses the terms young people, youth and adolescents interchangeably to refer to people who are between 10 and 24 years. Defining all people under 18 years of age as a child is often not useful because it ignores the circumstances of youth who are faced with pressures and responsibilities that are usually reserved for adults.
Policies and programmes for young people should focus not so much on age, but on the specific developmental needs and rights of individuals as they transition from childhood to adulthood."

1. The emphasis in this article is on developing sexual health and awareness in countries where practices such as pulling 13-year-old girls out of school to marry them off is still common. These girls have no awareness of having a right to make choices for their own body. As one girl quoted in the article said, they have little to no awareness and their friends know the same or less, and their parents aren't telling them. And by choices, I don't mean having the choice to have an abortion, I mean even having basic sexual knowledge such as awareness of when she is fertile, and having the option to choose to not have sex at that time. This is the WHO. They've got a lot of ground to cover and the sexual lives of people - especially women - start MUCH younger in some countries, and often in violent ways.

2. Of course children are sexual creatures. They're born with an uninhibitedness about exploring their own bodies and they find out RIGHT QUICKLY what feels good. It's up to us as parents to let them know that while this is okay, there are boundaries. We have to teach them what is appropriate and when because if we leave them floundering without information, they're going to seek it from their friends and inevitably end up with something that's just wrong and actually potentially dangerous. Telling your kid who walks in on you and your husband or who is wondering just why a man and a woman would WANT to have something called sex (because it's going to come up in the talk about where babies come from) that it's a special expression of love between two people who are committed to one another - and that they enjoy it - is what he SHOULD be hearing. If you emphasize the portions that are important to you, like when you think it's appropriate for someone to become sexually active, he will take in the WHOLE message. And two things have been proven, over and over: one, when parents harp on about their beliefs and values in an environment of love and acceptance, kids get it. Secondly, when they get sex ed only at home OR only at school, it's not as effective as when they get it on two fronts.

3. IT'S FOX NEWS! And it's talk radio with a political bent. You HAVE to be critical and expect that things are going to be taken out of context in order to support a given agenda.

Tina Vega said...

Contrary to popular belief, a new study suggests that abstinence-only programs might work:

Kari Fox said...

Mel, I prayed long and hard about responding to this post. You see, I know how hard it is sometimes to see the difference between propaganda and the truth, especially when the propaganda says something to incite you. And, of course, isn’t that propaganda’s goal?

I also know how terrible I have felt, deep into the roots of my soul, when I have passed on a lie or a piece of propaganda, and considered all whom that might have hurt.

And I know how you usually do take time to investigate, research, and check out the facts.

My interpretation of the IPPF intention that was cited on that program, which by the way – has been in the works for years – is that the strong intent towards the youngest ages mention (i.e. 10 year olds) is to make sure they understand inappropriate behavior and what to do about it. That was much more eloquently stated by ONLYWHOIAM in her/his post above.

I believe it needs to be addressed: in the home and in the schools and churches, wherever --- in case it is NOT being taught in the home.

Just because you and K are trying to be the best people you can, the best partners you can, and the best parents you can, does not mean the rest of the parents in America (or in the world) are doing that.

Unknown said...

Wow, I am just in the wow moment! I think I would have turned off the talk radio, turned on some christian rock, and drifted slowly back into my own little bubble.

All words but "wow" are failing me here.