Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Our busy weekend: a recap

Lotsa random things here...G-Man was helping Daddy cut holes in the wall to put in a new cold air return.
We stayed in our jammies until noon this weekend and we worked on "IN" and "OUT" for the blocks and our containers.

We visited the Minnesota Zoo on Sunday. Since we have a membership we try to go at least 2 times a month. It's best to get there as soon as they open because the animals are more active first thing in the morning and there are way less people. We spent the first 1/2 hour visiting the outside animals since we were still bundled up. It was a balmy 18 degrees so it was great to be outside in the sunshine. I was wearing Griffin in one of our slings so he was toasty warm! We visited the tigers and it was so cool to see them up close!

G-Man also ate at a restaurant for the first time! I think we've been in a restaurant with him once or twice before, but this time G-Man got to eat the food! Of course I had to ask if the chicken breasts were hormone and antibiotic free. They weren't. So, I ordered a buffalo meat (not sauce) burger which is hormone and antibiotic free and steamed broccoli. He did a great job of feeding himself some bites. By the way, we were there to celebrate my 37th birthday. Ya...that's a whole 'nother blog post.

1 comment:

Crystal said...

Looks like you guys had a fun weekend! Happy Birthday! You're only as old as you feel! (not sure if this helps or not!)