Tuesday, February 16, 2010


My poor 13 month old G-Man is sick, AGAIN! Runny nose, wicked wet cough (not croupy or whoopy) and a fever that was up to 104 when he woke up last nite. Needless to say he is a friend of infant Motrin the last 24 hours. This really frustrates the crap outta me. I am doing everything as right as I can to build up his immune system and make him a healthy, strong boy and he has been sick so much this winter. I mean really. I am still nursing him. He eats only organic whole, unprocessed foods. He doesn't get juice or anything with sugar. He is gluten and dairy free. He gets adjusted by the chiropractor 2x a month...WHAT GIVES? Ya, I can already hear several of you who think I am ridiculious for doing these things and making these choices..."See, all that weird stuff doesn't work. Does it?" or "Ya, you are doing those things just to be different and it's not helping your child at all."

But, how much more would he be sick or how much longer would these bouts of illness last if I was filling him with processed, sugar-laden crap? Or if he wasn't getting adjusted by Dr. Pam? I guess there is some comfort in those realizations, but it's hard so see him so sick. Hard to hold his little body with a raging fever and feel him shiver. My poor punkin.


Crystal said...

poor g-man...hope he is better soon.

Colleen Warmka said...

Being sick helps him build future immunities too. . .it's just the norm for such little ones.

Unknown said...

You do all those things so that when this happens, his body will be better prepared and equiped for fighting off these illnesses.
