Thursday, March 12, 2009

Another dietary challenge

So, it was a good thing several months ago that I found out I had that fibroid tumor on my uterus. I learned a whole new way to eat (read, healthier!), and more importantly, I learned that I *do* have self control despite hearing chocolate and ooey-gooey treats calling my name.

I have been having GI issues for 4 or 5 years. I even went thru a colonoscopy 2 years ago and all sorts of testing to find out what was wrong. Unfortunately, everything just came back with slightly elevated white blood cell counts. But no one was able to tell me why. My body was fighting something, but no one could tell me what. I have been afraid of what that could do to my body in the long run. What is going to wear out or age or get diseased because of years of high white cell counts?

Now, poor little G-Man is having issues with my breastmilk. So, at the recommendation of my chiropractor and friend Val, I had some food sensitivity testing done. The stuff I am eating isn't enough to cause hives or an anaphalactic reaction, but my body doesn't like it. This is going to be a big new challenge for me....check out the stuff I need to stop eating:

  • dairy

  • eggs

  • yeast

  • all sugar derived from sugar cane

  • honey

Ya, that's it. :-) I am determined to be healthy and feel healthy and also to give the best nutrition to my son so it's back to the dining room table for 9 weeks of menu planning and grocery list making. After 9 weeks we re-evaluate my health and G-Man's to see if eliminating these things makes enough of a difference.

K was a sweetheart and within an hour of getting home and hearing about the test results he already found a cookbook on Amazon for me! Isn't he the best?! I am a lucky woman! This one is also in my shopping cart. Wish me luck!


Crystal said...

I'm glad you were able to figure out what was going on. If anyone can tackle another dietary challenge like this, it is you! I'm still amazed at the transition you made last year. It's wonderful that K is so supportive. I'm sure it helps tremendously. Good luck girl!

Michelle said...


I came by way of your site when searching for digital scrpabook info. I read your blog on food sensitivity. I am also experienceing health issues and trying to rule out the same types of items. I have found a sensitivity to Gluten. can you tell me the name of the food sensitivity testing you had done or what lab performed the testing? Or what type of doctor did you see for this? Thanks for helping a stranger! Michelle -