Monday, March 16, 2009

Our first walk!

I have pretty much been holed up in our home and not left a whole lot since January 21. Amazingly, I have not had cabin fever in the least! Winter in Minnesota can get down right cold and yukky so not leaving the house for almost 2 months has been ok with me, especially since I have been mesmerized by my son! Yesterday however, the weather cooperated and is starting to act like spring! K, G-Man and I celebrated by heading outside and going for our first walk! We received the stroller as a gift from my employer and it was put to great use! I really like it, it's not too big, it handles well and most importantly has great safety features and is stable. Unfortunately, we have to convince G-Man that it's a good thing! I'll be at it again today, since the temps are supposed to hit the low 60s!


Crystal said...

Ohh...poor thing. Apparently it isn't warm enough for him yet! Looks like you are having fun though.

Unknown said...

Congrats on being able to get outside! I cant wait to get my little one out of my belly and into a stroller so we can get a good work out in. :)

Enjoy the soon-to-be-spring!