Tuesday, March 17, 2009

"just because I love you"

K surprised me the other day with a "just because I love you" present. I used to tease him daily about his pocket knives. Yes, knives. There is one for work, one for dress pants (it has to be lighter so it doesn't ruin the drape of the slacks), one for camping and outdoor stuff (with all the little extra tools on it) and then there are the back up knives. Why would a person need a knife, much less all of those??!?!? I had to eat my words when he gave me a knife 5 years ago for Christmas. I feel lost when it's not tucked on the pocket of my jeans or, when I am dressed up, in my purse. I use it all the time! Opening boxes, prying things, as a screwdriver...

I was tickled when he brought these home to me! A new pink knife and a small LED flashlight! I love it. They are the perfect size for the diaper bag. A mom never knows when she'll need a knife! Thank you honey! I love you and I love my "just because" present!

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