Wednesday, October 14, 2009

I am such a dork!

I know, you've heard me say that before. But this time it's true again. I was talking to the hubby the other day, it went like this, "So, when we take G-Man to see Santa this fall, I think we should go on Tuesday or Thursday when I am off work. We can go during the day and you can maybe meet us at the mall. I just want to do some talking to folks to see where a really good Santa is."

There was a long silence so I looked up to see Hubby looking at me with the "oh, aren't you just so cute and weird" smirk on his face.

me - "What?!"

hubby - "Ya, because G-Man will totally know he is visiting Santa and will remember it. Admit it, you are just doing this for you, not him."

me - "No, I *am* doing this for him. He won't remember it, but there will be pictures of it, he will see that he got to do this! It's the start of a tradition!"

hubby - "Mmmmhmmm, you just want to scrapbook it."

me - "No...not 'just scrapbook' it! Besides, I picked up a totally cute onesie at a garage sale that is cream colored with candy cane striped sleeves and it's embroidered with 'Dear Santa, I was really good!'"

hubby - "Ok honey, whatever you say."

Seriously, I know I am dork for having his visiting Santa outfit picked out in October. But the visiting Santa part, I am excited about! In fact (here comes another dork part) as I was thinking about it today I got a few tears. So many firsts are happening this year. it makes my head spin. I don't want to forget any of them. I want to freeze it all in time so I can soak it all in. I'd better get my tail in gear and get scrapbookin' and journalin'!


Crystal said...

Yes, you are a dork, but don't worry we already knew and still like you anyways. I think there is still a spot available for Tina's crop in December...a perfect time to scrapbook and journal so you always remember these precious moments...

Tina Vega said...

The best Santa is at Gerten's - seriously, he is THE BEST. He spends a lot of time with the kids, they'll even help you get a picture with your own camera, and there is never a crowd. He talks to the kids like this: "Hey, I noticed you've gotten glasses this year... lookin' good." And sometimes like this, "You and your brother need to work on that fighting a little bit."


The milestones keep a comin' but it goes by so fast. (That makes me teary-eyed.)

Mellissa said...

Crystal, I know, I know...I's love to be at the crop, but I am just not ready to leave my baby behind for a weekend. (see I told you I was a dork). I did tell tina though, that if it doesn't fill I'd be happy to pay for coming up to scrap for the day Sat!

Tina, thanks for the suggestion! I love it, close, and no lines! Perfect!!!! (and to be able to use my own camera and not pay and arm and a leg for the mall photo is a bonus!)