Saturday, October 10, 2009

It's Winter

I think we had 2 weeks of fall. I woke up to snow on the ground and on my car. By 10:00am it had not melted off my car! I had to use the snowbrush to clean over 1" of snow off my car. It was a fun day with playing and napping, then this afternoon we all braved the 29 degree windy outdoors for a family photo session with Tina. It was a blast! We had a great time at the best location EVER! (One that we have pretty much unlimited access to, one where the food is beyond incredible too!) G-Man was not real fond of the cold, despite the layers he was bundled up in. On the way there and on the way home G-Man had settled into his car seat, wiggled a little and his hat slid down on his face...and he was completely zonked out!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I cant believe you're getting snow!!!! We were in the 60's yesterday and I noticed it was a bit chilly. :)

I love the pic! He has gotten so big!!! I went ahead and picked Maddie up a hat since we're out at night watching her brother play football, but she's yet to wear it. Again, he looks like he's about a year old in this pic. I cant believe our babies are growing so fast!!!!

Oh, and when do we get to see the photo shoot pics?? :)