Monday, February 8, 2010

Sooooo close to walking!

I think my little G-Man is getting ready to fact I think that tonite he *may* have taken a first step! He is standing for a minute or longer without leaning on anything or holding on to anything. Tonite when I refused to open a drawer for him to rummage thru he pitched a little fit and stepped towards me! I cheered and laughed and he stopped crying. It was pretty neat. Of course, when hubby walked in there was no repeating it...hopefully tomorrow.
Also tonite, I realized that we have a second-generation climber on our hands! He saw the baby monitor on the top of his bookshelf in his room tonite. Of course, he wanted to play with said baby monitor. I wouldn't give it to him so here's what happened. He reached up and held the top shelf with both hands, then he put both feet on the bottom shelf, then he stepped up on top of the books on the bottom shelf and let go of the top shelf with one hand and he used that hand to grab the monitor. Then, he stepped down gracefully and played with the monitor. I was in shock and was holding the shelf so it wouldn't tip. Needless to say, the shelf is getting screwed to the wall tomorrow! Uh, yeah. So, here's a pic of my strong-standing-all-by-himself little boy!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wow! Way to be G-Man and get your own toys! :) Yeah, he definitly looks like he's a walk in those pics. :)