Monday, July 28, 2008

a new and strange craving

I have *hated* cantaloupe for as long as I can remember. It has a nasty texture, a weird flavor and is just yukky! Whenever I order a side of fruit I always pick around the cantaloupe melon. It's been on my yukky list with tomatoes...

...until the last 2 weeks that is! I have found that my first pregnancy craving is cantaloupe! It's so strange to want a food that I normally detest! In the last 24 hours I have eaten an entire cantaloupe on my own. I have another one on the counter to slice up and I know I will be cutting into it tomorrow. Yum!!!! I am loving this!


Anonymous said...

Ok.....I love it! With both of my kids all I wanted was 1. a cold Bud Lite in the bottle (bummer for me) 2. Cold watermelon 3. Cold milk. I think I ate my way through about 1000 watermelons between the two. Had to be ice cold everything. It is very strange isn't it? My kids are watermelon hounds now though....hmmmmmmm =)

Love ya! G

Amy said...

That is so funny, Mellissa! Pregnancy and kids will do that to you, I're never gunna be the same! :) It will be fun to follow your pregnancy along here-I can live vicariously through you! :) (Since we're done, and all.)