Wednesday, July 16, 2008

not how I wanted to tell you I was pregnant

Here is our baby! Head is down to the right, little hands in the middle and 5 white toes easily seen in the top of the pic on one foot!

I had composed all sorts of wonderful ways to tell my bloggy friends that I am pregnant. I was just waiting until today, my official 10 weeks and my first ultrasound to tell you! I needed an image to go with the blog! The good news is that Baby is great! It was moving all over the place like a jumping bean, swimming upside down, spinning right side up, kicking, waving it's cute tiny arms and even flexing it's wrists as if to wave to us! Ya, I teared up and K was amazed at how much he could see and how clear everything seemed to be. We giggled and smiled and held hands so tightly.

I am blessed with a hubby who insisted on some kind of testing and wanted an ultrasound. I never would have chosen to have one. We were blessed with a very diligent ultrasound technician. She wanted to see the whole uterus and ovaries and all the plumbing. It wasn't til she went looking for the left ovary that the mood got a little more somber. It took some finding but she got it. On the way there she found a large mass that was very black on the screen. It was 4-5x the size of my ovary and on the left side of my uterus. She, of course, couldn't make a diagnosis but she wondered out loud for us what it was. It's possible that it's a fibroid, but we don't know. I don't know how it's attached and to what, I don't know if it will affect the growth of the baby or if as the uterus grows if it may rupture taking a blood vessel or artery with it. I am sure my uterus is pretty darn vascular right now, I don't want things exploding near there!

But despite all the "what if's" I am still calm. Calm enough to not cry. I called my mom, sister and some dear friends who I know are prayer warriors. I ask you to join them. Please pray that we are lead to a good doctor, pray for discernment for the doctor and us, pray that baby stays safe and can continue to grow and thrive. Pray that this is nothing that needs any medical attention. I am reminded that God already knew this was inside me. He saw it long before we had the scan and saw it. God knows every fiber of my being. He is with me and I feel His calm presence and peace. I am blessed to know that our baby is healthy and growing like it should be and moving like crazy! Oh how I look forward to feeling some of those acrobatics!

Here is baby lying on it's back, head is on the left side looking towards right side of screen, feet are kicked up!


Anonymous said...

MY GRANDBABY is wonderful! I am so happy and excited for you and K. You know that you are always in my prayers and even more now. I am confident that all will be fine. I am glad that you are trusting God to lead you through. He will!
Love you all!

Amy said...

Your baby is just precious! I am happy to hear all is well with him/her. I will be keeping you covered in prayers for healing and protection for the baby.

Tina Vega said...

If you need a referral, I'd highly recommend Dr. Stephanie Rice at Obstetrics, Gynecology & Infertility in Edina. They handle all sorts of unique situations.

I'm praying for you and your sweet baby!

Mellissa said...

Thank you all for your sweet words and thank you sooo incredibly much for your prayers. I am still feeling eerily calm despite what some of my research is turning up. I am so blessed!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! I will keep you and your baby in my thoughts and prayers!!


Crystal said...


Congratulations!!! I am so happy for you guys. I'll be keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. You are going to be a great mother! Are you guys planning to find out what you are having or is it going to be a surprise?
