Thursday, February 26, 2009

Have I mentioned lately how blessed I am?

K holding G-Man as G-Man holds tight onto Daddy's sweater.

I probably haven't said it enough. The Lord has blessed me in so many ways! My incredible, loving, giving, servant-hearted husband, my beautiful son, my family and friends, our jobs, our health..the list goes on.

Yesterday was Ash Wednesday on the Christian calendar. G-Man went to church with me at noon and it was wonderful. he decided that he was hungry 1/2 way through the service so we went into the Parent Room (cry room, family room). There were several comfy glider rockers in there and we got comfy and I nursed him while I watched the service on a TV monitor. It was beautiful to be able to praise the Lord and learn more about His word while nourishing my son in the way the Lord designed and intended in a room and an environment that was gentle and supportive.

After the service I ran into Tina and her Mom! Since there was a lunch after the service and since G-Man had eaten and was comfy, I stayed and enjoyed a wonderful lunch and prayer with Tina and her Mom. I was wearing G-Man in the sling and it worked so well to be able to move around church (which is pretty big) and have my hands pretty much free and mostly I love having him so close. Tina follows my blog and we were talking about the heartache I had when K was giving G-Man his first bottle. She helped me put words and reason on that's the realization that the little person that I grew inside me, that I nourished and nurtured, that I loved before he was born, the little man who depends on me for food and love and diaper changes is slowly moving away from me. He will never again be as close to me physically as he was for 8.5 months. Sigh, deep breath...G-man will grow up, will learn how to crawl, walk, run. He will want to go to the park without me, I will have to watch as he gets on the school bus and it drives away...and I will celebrate his achievements and cheer for him as he learns to do things on his own. But I will also worry, fret and miss the little hands that hold my finger tight as he falls asleep on my chest.

Oh one more thing, as I was leaving church a group of 3 women stopped me to remark about the sling I was wearing G-Man in and of course, his cuteness! We talked for several minutes, then as I was saying goodbye, they asked to pray over us! It was a beautiful prayer and I left church yesterday feeling so much of His love and the gift of peace and happiness. Truly, I am blessed!


Tina Vega said...

What a sweet image! It was such a wonderful afternoon hanging out with the two of you (and my mom as well, of course :-) Hope to see you again soon...

Mellissa said...

It was wonderful seeing you and your mom! Yes, we should connect again soon!