Friday, May 29, 2009

A Boy Day

As usual, Friday is Daddy Day Care day at our house. G-Man and K spend the day together while I am at work. We are so blessed the K can work 4-10 hour days and have Fridays with his son. I was madly, crazy in love with my hubby before G-Man was born, but watching him care for our son so tenderly, play with him, talk to him and read to him and laugh with him just brings my love for K into a whole new realm that I didn't even know existed. If you would have told me I could love him more, I'd have laughed at you.

Today while I was at work my two boys went on their first errand together without me! I know it's been a little hard on K since we are still breastfeeding and the milk I pump has to be heated to about 98 degrees F for G-man. It does "strap" them to the house a little. Today though, at 18 weeks old, they ventured out. Where do boys go on errands? Hmmm, they go to the brewery store and pick up a home beer brewing kit with a friend. Naturally a thermos of boiling water and a cooler with Mommy's Milk is along too, just in case a bottle needs to be heated for the little one. Unfortunately, there were no pics taken to commemorate the occassion.


Unknown said...

ohhhhhhhh, how cute!!!

I love the idea of homemade brewing as well as taking the thermos of water...great idea!

Yeah, I would have loved some pics, too, but I can picture it and it makes me smile big. :)

Unknown said...

what are you doing for Father's day?