Friday, May 22, 2009

i need to work on this...

I am terrible at taking self-portraits.

  1. I generally hate pics of me

  2. my camera is big and hard to balance in my hand and reach the shutter button

  3. I never seem to be able to remember to have the tripod and my remote shutter around

But, I am going to make an effort this weekend to do 1 grouping of self-portraits each day. Well, a self-portrait of the G-Man and I, not just me! He turned 4 months old yesterday and this pic is a sad example of the self portrait I took. Yuk. I really want to get some fun pics of he and mommy. It's wonderful how much he is growing and changing nearly every day! He is smiley and just a trooper with all the teething. Also, he is starting to show fear and that he gets scared. I was re-enacting for K a *very* scary HUGE spider incident that I had at work and I was jumping all over and yiping (it was a great re-enactment if I do say so) and my poor little G-Man looked at me, got a worried look on his face, the lower lip started to quiver and he was crying! Tears and all! I just looked at K and said, "See, even he is scared by the spider!"

G-Man is also getting really, really close to rolling over from his back to his tummy. We practice every day! I love this time with him and I want to capture one of our regular maybe that will be my photo assignment this weekend. Capture a day in the life of G-Man and Mommy. Hmmm....this is starting to take shape in my head. I guess I'd better get the camera battery charged, my remote shutter shoved into my pocket, the tripod handy and at least a 1GB memory card in the camera, it's photo shoot time! I will share our day with you later this weekend! Have a safe, reflective Memorial Day weekend.


Crystal said...

Looking forward to seeing what a day in your life looks like! :) I think the self-portrait turned out fine. I love the way little G-man is looking at you!

Unknown said...

I am envious of your talent and equipment :) I' also looking forward to saeeing your pics.

On another note, I got a call from my dr. today and my iron was too high which can cause bad side effects. I think my daily work outs have been draining all my energy so I've cut back on them.

Thanks for the prayers!