Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Growin is hard work!

Little G-Man had his 4 month well-baby check up today. Of course, he is doing fabulously! He is 25 3/4" long which puts him in the 75th percentile for height. His weight is 14 pounds 4 ounces which is in the 50th percentile. Or, as Dr. S put it, he is long and lean. G-Man is 16 weeks old today, and will be 4 months old already next Thursday. I can't believe how fast this is going! Oh, and K and I knew that our little boy was teething, and Dr. S confirmed that today...there are 3, yes 3! teeth that are going to pop thru soon! Yikes! We are still nursing and loving that, with plans to start introducing food just after 6 months. I think his first food will be an avocado. Yum! We plan on making G-Man's baby food; with help from my mom and mother in law I will be doing lots of canning and pureeing and freezing this summer. We'll be getting lots of nice, fresh produce from the local farmers and farmers market. I am looking forward to introducing him to avocados, sweet potatoes, fresh sweet peas, green beans, mangos, broccoli...mmmm!


Unknown said...

I'm getting hungry just reading that delicious list of foods. :)

G-man is so cute and I love the "long and lean" look. :)

Wow, 4 months old, where did the time go? :) And three teeth?!? He'll be choppin' soon enough.

I love the idea of buying from the farmers, I try to do it as often as I can.

Tell your little man I've enjoyed watching him grow, and thanks for sharing him with us. :)

Tina Vega said...

What s sweetie. Three teeth? Wow, is he growing!!