Thursday, January 7, 2010

I wanted this to be longer...

Yum, I still love beets!

G-Man playing in "his" drawer in the kitchen (wearing his MN Wild Hockey sweats!)

...but I am tired! I am processing a blog about G-Man's up coming first birthday and his one year well-baby dr. appt, and vaccines...or not's not an easy decision to make, at least it shouldn't be an easy decision for any parent to make regardless of the side they come down on. So, enjoy a picture or two and I'll gather my thoughts, get some sleep and post it later this weekend. Have a great weekend!!

(this was taken by my mom last week while he was playing at her house)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wow, Mellissa, he has gotten so big! He is a doll, and I can't wait to watch him grow up into such a handsome man. :)

Also, you've just won The Lemonade Stand Award!!