Thursday, June 18, 2009

As of Yesterday He's mobile!

Below, G-Man just a second after rolling over!
Yup, just one week shy of his 5 month birthday the G-Man rolled over! It was a very exciting moment for this Mommy! He was kind enough to give an encore performance; I was hoping it was real so I put him back onto his back, ran for my camera and in seconds he rolled back onto his tummy. I teared up and forgot to take pictures. Again this morning he rolled over one time. G-Man also loves grabbing toys and bringing them to his mouth for the taste test. He will take toys from our hands, from the blanket his is lying on on his back, and he reaches for things when he rolls to his side. Another new thing is did just this morning was to push his little butt up into the air while on his tummy. He is great at using his legs to push and is getting so strong. I am sure he will be propelling himself quite soon. He is already great at turning in circles and wiggling all over while on his back. Now that he can roll...look out!

Below are part 1 and 2 of rolling over this morning. Then I put the camera down and we played!


Unknown said...

Ohhhhhhhhh, I was so excited, I screamed, "Ohhhhhhh, Sean, G-man rolled over today!"

I must say his form is just beautiful. :) I cant believe how big he is. I agree, your little man is gonna be non-stop now. :) You better be baby proofing soon!!

Mellissa said...

Toni, you are hilarious!
You are so right about the baby proofing!! We already have the outlet covers in but it's time to take the few knicknacks we have off of speakers and other tippy things. (or use double stick velcro tape to stick 'em on!) And we need some gates for our stairs too! Yikes, better get on that one!
How is the mold remediation and water clean up going?

Tina Vega said...

That made me tear up, what a huge milestone! What a cutie, everytime I see his face I want to kiss his little cheeks :-)