G-Man has a good case of croup! We have a steroid (I don't like it) but he needs it to reduece swelling of his voal chords so he can breathe (i like the breathing part). He sounds terrible and I guess we are in for a few more pretty rough nites. So, I am off to play with him since he seems to be sorta happy now (Tylenol is on-board) and later when he sleeps, I will be to because I still have a nice cold. Thanks to all for your prayers!
(original post below)
I am experiencing my first of presumably many "I should have..." Mommy moments. I knew K was sick and had a sore throat. I should have taken more vitamins and done some homeopathic preventative. I didn't and now my little G-Man and I both have sore throats, coughs, icky stuffed up noses. I feel terrible listening to my little one cry. You can hear his sore throat. It hurts me! So now I am megadosing on vitamin C via EmergenC drink mix (which is a staple in our house anyway) and Zicam, a homeopathic cold remedy. The good news is my throat didn't get worse during the day. The bad news is my little man is obviously sick, only drinking 4.5 ounces of milk in a 9 hour stretch at day care and now he has slept for 2.5 hours. An abnormally long afternoon nap. I think I am going to join him. Prayers for my little one to rest well tonite and to heal are greatly appreciated.
*hugs* to the family as well as my prayers.
There's nothing worse than seeing your little one hurt. Praying for you both tonight...
ICK!!!!! I hate croup... horrible, horrible.
Hopefully, the steroid will help keep things open. Still covering you in prayer!!
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