Monday, June 29, 2009

I think G is allergic to the Monster!!!

Yep, the hubby and I finally figured out where the hives are coming from on our sweet little boy...they are coming from the Monster dog's saliva! Monster dog came up to little G-Man and I this evening and was quite friendly, he (the dog) licked me, then little G-Man's face and hands. less than 15 minutes later big red blotches with raised bumps in them were covering my baby's face and hands and forearms. I was stumped! I had K look at it and we started going thru everything we had just done in the last hour...he hit on it first. It ties in well with what happened about 2 weeks ago when it was sooo hot here too. I had played frisbee outside with the dog while G-Man was sleeping in his diaper inside. The frisbee always gets muddy and slimey and so when I went inside G-Man was starting to fuss and I didn't wash my hands, I mean what harm is a little dried mud? I picked up G-Man around the torso and held him while he was standing on my lap and sitting. Then I went to wash up. I noticed about 10 minutes later that where my right fingers touched G-Man there was a terrible looking hivey-rash. So, after a quick Internet search tonight we found out that the protein in dog saliva is a know allergen. Dried and wet it causes a reaction on my baby. So, now we have to be sure that anyone who gets licks or kisses from the dog scrubs up before touching G. We are also going to try to train out the "kiss" command from the Monster's repertoire. I am planning on calling the dr. tomorrow to see if this kind of allergy can get worse without warning. If so, I'll be getting an epi pen. I don't want to be unprepared out camping or in the middle of nowhere if the monster dog licks G-Man and he has a bad reaction. Hopefully, this is something G-Man will outgrow!

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