Friday, June 19, 2009

Cloth diapers are sooo easy!

Below, the G-Man taken by Tina (go here to see more!) in a cloth diaper, size 0, at 1 week of age. He's now in a size 1 (at 5 months of age) and we have probably 1-2 more months in this size.

Below, our Happy Heinies cloth diapers, one open, one snapped closed. Love the gathered legs! By the way, we've had more leaks with disposables (which we use when we are out and about) than on our cloth diapers.

Below, 2 of our diaper covers, the cute velcro print and the cheap, easy pull on water proof pant.

We entered into the idea of cloth diapering with the attitude of "let's just try it and see." And we were fortunate to have some friends who cloth diapered that gave us some of their supplies to try out. We purchased some Happy Heinies off of eBay and here we are 5 months later still cloth diapering and we've not had any discussions about quitting. Dirty diapers go in a dry pail, no water or anything in there, we don't have anything to flush or rinse out because G-Man is totally on breastmilk. Once we start him on foods (sometime after he's 6 mo. old) then we can flush out the poop into the toilet but still keep the diapers in a dry pail. launder them (in their own load) first on a prewash cycle with 1/8 c soap and on hot. Then we wash them (again, just the diapers)on a regular cycle on hot with another 1/8 c soap. We have 2 kinds of diaper covers and they both work great and just pop into the wash with the diapers. If you want to add a little booster to the wash, just add 1/2c of baking soda. To get out poopy stains after they are washed clean, just hang them on the line in the sun. Seriously, 1 sunny afternoon and ALL POOPY stains are totally gone. What is great about cloth diapering from our perspective?

  • There are no pins! It's velcro or snaps to fasten.
  • We never have to run to the store at midnight to get more diapers
  • We are not putting bleached and chemically laden stuff on our son's bottom (how do you think all that pee is absorbed?)
  • Cloth diapering reduces chances of any diaper rash (haven't had any yet) the skin can breathe
  • Can you say waaayyyy less money spent on diapers???
  • Reduction of waste in the landfill
  • Reduction of pollution caused to produce diapers
  • Hubby even says cloth diaper washing is not a big deal at all, it's easy!
  • From what I am told, potty training is easier, kids know when they are wet!

Now the the G-Man is growing (and growing and growing!) we need to start looking for more cloth diapers in a larger size. I am going to try these. I found them on eBay and will probably order just 2 or 3 to test drive them. They are called All In Ones (or AIO) or Pocket Diapers for short. There is no separate diaper cover, they come in great colors and are adjustable from birth to 28ish pounds. Yes, I am thinking photo ops here folks!

If you are interested in trying cloth diapering feel free to let me know. I would love to share my thoughts and help set you up for success! If you just want to try and not put out a lot of cash on the front end, check your local Criagslist or eBay. Please be sure you are buying safely, never go to a strangers home alone! For our 18 diapers and covers that we purchased, G-Man has worn them for 3 months and still has 1 or 2 months left in them, we paid $98. Yep, $98 for 5 months worth of diapers. Oh, since he was born, our water bill went up $12. So I guess you can add that in too.

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