Tuesday, June 10, 2008

being in D.C. evokes patriotism

We can get into the difference between loving your country and loving your politicians at a later date when I don't have *hours* of studying still ahead of me. I LOVE AMERICA! This is the best country in the world. And this song is always a good one, but when sung well, it sends chills thru every fiber of my being. Listen to these 5 young women absolutely *nail* the National Anthem. This is the best rendition I have ever heard in my life! Love it!!

Now, back to studying...sigh.


Anonymous said...

Hi there! I hope you are doing well in your classes and that the patriotism of being in such a place is running through your veins. That rendition of the Star Spangled Banner choked me up.

Can't wait to hear from you when you get home......good vibes....good vibes....good vibes.....you will do it.

Love, Gina

Mellissa said...

Hey chicky! Ya, this is my favorite rendition. So clear and perfect!

Talk you next week!!!! I can't wait to get home!