Sunday, June 29, 2008

It't true...I was speechless!!!!!

My incredible, loving, thoughtful, way-too-good-for-me hubby bought a surprise for me. Two gorgeous studio lights for MC Squared Studios-my new photography business/endeavor. I was stunned to silence, for those of you who know me, you know what a feat that is! I am still blown away. Then he proceeded to tell me his thoughts on converting our family room to a studio! Can you believe him?!?!? I *still* don't know what I did to deserve being treated like this! I am sooo excited to play! I already called Tina and we are going to make a photo studio play date after the 4th. I just knew she would be excited too! I cannot wait to get some experimenting in this week. There are going to be some late nights! Woohoooo!
Thank you so much my love, you continue to treat me like a princess and cherish me beyond words. I am blessed to have you in my life and as my partner and husband.


Tina Vega said...

They look deLIGHTful! (Couldn't help myself.) Can't wait to see them in person...

Mellissa said...

Oh Tina, you are a funny girl!