Thursday, June 26, 2008

I had jury duty

So, I reported for my first day of jury duty on Tuesday. Dakota County has a *great* system for jury duty. You are assigned a 2 week period for jury duty and on your summons it lists a group number and a phone number to call. So, I called in on Sunday night and my group number was not needed so I was not supposed to go in. I called in Monday night and my group was supposed to appear on Tuesday. I showed up early, went through the metal detectors and then sat and waited, and waited some more. Finally around 9:00 we all were gathered into a big jury room with huge windows; we watched an introduction video and we checked in with our summons. There were no civil cases scheduled but there were 28 criminal trials for which juries may be needed. There was a screen in the jury room that showed the numbers change so we could see that by lunch time there were only 7 cases left that may need a jury. The jury attendant (babysitter!) was the cutest older gentleman and he tried to keep our spirits up and was actually quite funny. He was telling us that we must be looking menacing because all of the cases were settling before going to court. ;-) By 3:30 our time was done. We got to go home. The best part was that we were told that we didn't have to call in or report again. Our two week term was done! I was a little disappointed, I wanted to at least be a part of the voire dire, where the attorneys question potential jurors, but alas, it was not my fate! I did get some work done, got some hand quilting done and met some great folks and had the chance to chat! It really was pretty cool, even though we didn't get to do anything. Hopefully I will have the chance to be on jury duty someday and actually get to see the inside of the courtroom.

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