Friday, June 13, 2008

one more nite of studying in D.C.

From the Korean War Veterans Memorial

So, the big disaster restoration exam is tomorrow. Am I ready? I don't honestly know. I do know that I am nervous, apprehensive but that I want it to be done. I think my brains are just gonna leak out when I finish the test. The test starts at 7am ET Saturday and we have a limit of 6 hours in which to finish. I will be staying to the end, I just want to be sure I get everything right that I can, there are 436 fill-in-the-blank questions. Things like:

  • Define the Heppelwhite, Louis XV, Queen Anne, Chippendale, Phyfe styles of furniture and when they were originally produced?
  • List the 4 cleaning methods and give examples of each.
  • Define thermoplastic material.
  • What is a collar tie?
  • What is an electrical canopy?
  • Distinguish between a mullion and a muntin.
  • What is the function of purlins?
  • List 6 ways to tell of a drapery is custom made.
  • Describe the behavior of the following fibers in a burn test: wool, nylon, olefin, cotton.
  • What pH solution would you use to clean white, wool carpet post-fire?
  • What are the 3 general categories of Oriental rugs?

This test is *everything* restoration from framing of a house, to finishes to all the personal property inside, to insurance laws, art restoration, electronics, mold, OSHA standards, National Fire Protection Act, Toxins, Lead, Fuel Oil Spills, Tear gas, antique furniture. Like I said before, pray that I pass! In the meanwhile, enjoy the pics from what may be my last post from the East Coast!

Below: Korean War Veterans Memorial. You can learn more about it here.


Anonymous said...

OK....One more day of studying, pass your test and GET HOME!!! You are going to do awesome. It sounds so complicated, I am praying that you pass. You are a smart girl, just think of it as a hurdle that you are almost over.

Gina =)

Crystal said...

Good luck on your test Mellissa! I'm sure you will do great. Even though you only have one more night of studying, don't forget to get a good night of rest! I'm sure you will, but eat a good breakfast too. Go get em!