Monday, June 2, 2008

what do you wanna be when you grow up?

Pretend for a minute that money is no object, time, family and school requirements would all be met with the sweep of a magic wand, now close your eyes and think about what makes you happy. How can you use those skills and talents? If you could be anything you want, what would you do every day either as a pay-for-money job or as a volunteer-job. There are no limits, no making fun of anything...what would you be?

I would be a pediatric-oncology nurse or nurse midwife and a professional photographer. How about you?



Hi Mellissa...Nice Blog and good question. I would start a magazine aimed at woman who don't have their own children but have kids in their life. I'd call it, Aunt Mary, after my mom who has been gone for two years. Because so many magazines are good but are aimed at mothers, I think there is a knitch for Aunt Mary.

Also, I'd so something for seniors...start computer cafes for Seniors to learn about computers and the Internet.

That's what I'd do. Eva

Mellissa said...

Thanks for the comment! I *LOVE* the idea of your magazine! I would totally subscribe. I love the role of Auntie and it is such a gift to have the munchkins in our lives. There is definatley an underappreciation by sociaty as a whole for Aunties! Very cool!