Wednesday, June 18, 2008

I miss my quilting room!

Sigh, I sooo love my quilting and craft room! I designed it for quilting, scrapbooking, to double as a guest room but mostly to be a peaceful sanctuary for me to run away to! I have not been running away to it nearly enough! My new "healthy lifestyle" (read about it here and here) has been keeping me way to busy. I get home from work or volunteering, make a yummy healthy dinner, clean up and then off for a minimum of 30 minutes of good cardio!

I decided last night that I am going to do another sprint triathlon (swim .5 mile, bike 13 miles, run 3.1 miles) in August (if it's not too hot that day) so I only have 8 weeks to get ready for it. The nice thing about it though is that I am not one bit stressed! I am going to PARTICIPATE not COMPETE! That makes a huge difference in my stress levels. Life should mimic that too. We need to participate and not compete as much. We all might be a little less high strung and we may enjoy life a lot more if we aren't comparing ourselves to others around us.

How you are going to choose to participate in life today?

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