Wednesday, May 14, 2008

"I am strong, I am healthy, I can..."

The power of words; they can make or break you. I heard over the weekend that in your head your inner dialog consists of 150-300 words PER MINUTE! I have struggled with my inner talk and tone of voice for years. I would never dream of talking to anyone else like I talk to myself. It was really hard to start today, but in the rain I went for a jog. It was less than 3 miles, but it was a jog. The entire time I was out there I was repeating a mantra in my head, "I am strong, I am healthy, I can, I have willpower..." By the time I hit the 1.25 mile mark the run had settled in and I found my stride. It wasn't record setting, but it was comfortable. And, I wasn't running myself down in my head for not being faster or anything negative. I repeated that mantra to myself the ENTIRE run...nearly 3 miles of deliberate, nice, positive words to myself. It was super hard, it's even harder to write this and admit it, but it might have helped. I will do it again tomorrow when I run, I promise.


Amy said...

Wow-I can walk 3 miles or do 3 miles on the elliptical, but I don't think I could jog or run 3 miles unless someone was chasing me! Good for you!

Mellissa said...

Thanks Amy! I sooo need the encouragement. Lord knows I have a hard enough time giving it to myself. (BTW-this whole topis is Tina's fault!) ;-)