Monday, December 1, 2008

Baby Room!

My mom is one of those talented folks who know how to put up wallpaper. And I am sooooooooooo grateful for that! Mom and dad came over to our place on Saturday to give us hand with a few things. Mom put up the wallpaper border that K and I picked out for the Baby's room. It was a lot harder than I thought it would be. Look at how talented my Mom is, she totally matched up the pattern and covered the switch plate cover! Dad took care of some drywall mudding for me and then helped the Hubby in the workshop with some re-organizing that he is doing. I don't like to ask my folks for help, they have done enough work on their house in the past 38 years and I feel guilty that they were here, but my gratitude is stronger than the guilt!

Then on Sunday nite, I did a little therapy for myself. I added some freehand mural-style painting to the Baby's room. I tried to coordinate it with the wallpaper border and I am pretty darn pleased with how it turned out! The animals in the jeep and the giraffe and gorilla are decals that go with the border, but the coconut tree, rocks and grasses are all my freehand painting. Once we get the furniture set in place in the room, I'll probably add more, but I want to wait so I am sure that things are not behind bookshelves and the crib. Oh, I also plan to add a little plastic hook to the tree and hang a stuffed monkey from it!


Amy said...

Mellissa-that is soooooo cute! I love your murals! What a fun room-soon to be filled with a sweet little baby!

Tina Vega said...

Great job, it looks beautiful!!!

Crystal said...

Too cute! I bet it is so fun to be preparing the place where your baby will grow up. It looks wonderful!