Thursday, December 11, 2008

Baby Update!

I can hardly believe this, but I am in my 8th month of pregnancy already! I *love* being pregnant, I love the way this feels...I just relish every single day and am going to miss this constant connection with our child. I know when it sleeps and wakes, when it has the hiccups, and when it jabs me with an elbow! And I love every bit of it! We had our midwife appointment today; as usual it was a terriffic hour! I had some blood work done at the last appointment and that all came back fabulous, iron is great and all that kind of stuff. Baby's heartrate was in the 140s-150s and was nice and loud and steady! K and I both just grin when we hear it! My blood pressure was the highest it's ever been in my life, but still in the "ok/normal" range (128/82). We found out that baby is head down and our midwife assistant (a midwife in training) showed us how to identify what parts were where. K thought she was teasing because he couldn't tell when he was pushing on my belly where she showed him. It was cute. We chatted about preparations for the home birth and we told her we were working on the list of stuff we are supposed to gather. I think we are close to 1/2 way done. I will finish that up after Christmas. Too much to do in the next 2 weeks! Our next appointment is the week after Christmas, so they are getting close together now! I can't believe how terribly fast this is going. I fear that my maternity leave will only last the blink of an eye...sigh.....

And onto one related issue. I painted my toes tonite. I think it's the last time I will be able to reach them until after the baby gets here! It was kinda funny trying to get to them with the belly in the way. I did get them all painted, but I am sure it was entertaining to watch! Also, I had to cross one leg over the other today to get my socks on...I was so NOT happy about that and of course, that's when K walks in the room and starts to tease me! He is soooo not funny!


Amy said...

Yay! Glad everything is progressing just as it should-can't wait to meet baby! Has Tina already planned a hat photoshoot with him/her??? ;)

Mellissa said...

We don't have a hat session yet, but Tina will likely be over to our home the first week of baby's life to get some cuddly family shots and some of those cute brand-ew baby shots. I would guess there'd be a hat in there somewhere!