Friday, December 26, 2008

A Cleanup Christmas

Ok, Hubby isn't sure who I am, but he begged me to stay! Not only did I get the coolest Organic Housekeeping book as a gift, but my in-laws gave me a Shark Steam Mop and hand-held steamer! Yes, I am a cleaning machine -- AND LOVING IT! I had fun, yes, fun cleaning the master bathroom tonite! I used vinegar, hydrogen peroxide, a nylon scrubbie and the steamers. That's it. The part that shocks me the most is that my bathroom has never, ever been this clean! For the same amount of time and actually less elbow grease, my bathroom is freaking sparkling! I told K that I was going to clean the other 2 bathrooms tomorrow and that I was looking forward to it. I think he walked away shaking his head, but afraid to pinch himself and end this dream! I love having a clean house, a house that is free of chemical pollution, and knowing that I am using cleaning agents that don't negatively impact the earth in their production and in the waste that runs down my drain. Repeatedly across the USA indoor air quality tests done in homes show that there is more pollution INSIDE our homes than outside. I am happy that I am finding ways to make our home a healthy home!

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