Wednesday, December 17, 2008

What's your favorite baby tool/gadget/thingy?

So, the final 8 weeks are upon us. I am happily soaking up each and every day of pregnancy because all too soon this stage of my life will pass and another new one will begin. If you know me, you know that I spend a lot of my time researching, discussing ideas and trying to learn things. Being pregnant with our first child has been no different! Both K and I enjoy the researching aspect of life and learning so there has been lots to learn and tons of wonderful resources available. I think I have gone through 26 books and other print resources. Most of what we have learned has challenged conventional thinking and things we thought we knew. It's been very very good for us!

Now I am feeling rather prepared, certainly it doesn't mean that I have all the answers, but I do have a broader perspective and some opinions that are based on information and facts, rather than "that's just the way it is" kind of thinking. So, it's time to shift gears. For your baby or child (or grandchild or niece or nephew) what did you find to be the most useful with an infant? I have some theories of things that we may find the most useful, but of course, Baby gets the final and most weighty vote. So, hints, tips, best products?


Tina Vega said...

I keep meaning to post, thinking I'll really take some time to think about your question.

Obviously, that hasn't been working out so well :-)

Here it goes, without any thought or planning, a few of my favorites:

1. The Fisher Price Fishy Tank. I hear it even has a remote control now. It was a wonderful bedtime aid for the crib.

2. A swing for the early months and an exersaucer for 4+ months (I wouldn't have been able to take a shower without either one of these items).

3. A blankie or other type of lovey. We purposely introduced these items early so they would both grow to love one (an immense help at bedtime, for times when you are away, and during illnesses).

4. Playtex Disposable Nursing Pads. I'd tried the washable/reusable ones and they simply didn't work. A breastfeeding friend introduced these to me and they were awesome.

Mellissa said...

Tina, AWESOME! Thank you! I had not thought about a lovey yet! And I have never heard of that fish tank thingy! I will have to find one now!

Anonymous said...

Tina's right about the Fisher Price Aquarium - both my kids slept through the night at 5 weeks and I sweat it was that gadget!