Sunday, May 4, 2008

Bath it done yet?

Sunday night and I am still not done. I'm tired, but not done. I would have been a lot closer to done but I hit one *major* problem; the sink that I picked up at the wholesaler is too messed up to use. I thought I had the deal of the century, but it turns out the sink hole is not square to the front edge so it's all kitty-wampus and not usable. I sooooo wish I could have installed the sink today. So tomorrow (sigh- when will that end!?!?!?) tomorrow I have to find a new sink, install it, buy and install one more towel rod (I changed the layout of those and need one more), caulk along the tub, make the frame for the mirror and of course, CLEAN!!!! Oh the cleaning...when I cook, I keep the kitchen clean as I go, but when I do home projects it looks like a tornado swept tools and parts all over the house.

Today I am most proud of the fact that I disconnected, removed and reinstalled the toilet in the bath all by myself, AND it isn't leaking!!! They are heavy things and unwieldy too.

While there are some parts that I really like, there are other parts that are just mediocre. I think the one thing that I didn't mention is that all my house projects are done on a 'challenging' budget. It's too easy to blow a few thousand and make a bathroom spectacular, it's a whole new game when your entire budget is $250.00 and a weekend and yourself only!

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