Friday, August 22, 2008

an answered prayer

For my entire life I have been struggling with food choices and eating emotionally rather than eating for nutrition. In the months leading up to this pregnancy I was desperate to change, I prayed that God would help me be strong, help me make good choices, help me be healthy and respectful towards my body. It felt like a goal that I could never accomplish, I fought with myself, my head and my emotions. It was just disheartening.

Fast forward to today. I am eating healthier than I have even imagined possible. I am learning so much more about whole foods and balanced nutrition and proper eating habits. Most importantly, I am living it. It is *easy* to make the healthy choices and pick food that is the right kind of fuel for my body. I was thinking about this all last night while I was talking to a girlfriend about God's answered prayers and I just stopped in my tracks. I realized at that moment that God did answer my prayer for being healthful and strong enough to make the right kinds of food choices. He put me in a place where He knew I would pull on everything inside me to fight for our Baby, to prove western medicine wrong and to be as healthy as humanly possible. God answered my prayer about being healthy and being able to teach our child that food is not a source of comfort or love, it's nutrition and fuel for your body. I know that I can continue to live like this, live in a way I never thought I would be strong enough to do. I am praising the Lord for answering this prayer for me so strongly!

God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love and self-discipline.
2 Timothy 1:7

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