Thursday, August 21, 2008

The power of prayer, strict diet and supplements!

If this doesn't freak a new parent out, I don't know what will. At just 15 weeks our baby *looks* like a baby! It's staring right at us! Granted, it has that Close Encounters alien look, but it's our little alien!

We had our second ultrasound this morning. We invited my mom to come along, since she had asked weeks ago if she could come see. She already has 6 gorgeous grandkids, but this was the first one she got to see in an ultrasound! (At least this 7th grandchild is standing out from the crowd already!)

Again, we were blessed with an amazing technician! She looked at our first results and before she even started the ultrasound she told us that fibroids grow during pregnancy so ours was going to be bigger. The she got to work looking around inside me. The first glimpse of baby was fast since she zoomed right to the uterus. It looked wonderful and the placenta is in a "perfect position" high and to the back of the uterus! Yeah!!! Then she looked at the fibroid, she asked me, "it was 6cm before, right?" I answered yes and she said, quite surprised, "It's smaller!" Another cheer erupted from the crowd! I didn't get the exact measurements, but I will get that on the radiology report tomorrow. Then we got down to the fun stuff...Baby! We got to see lots of the little one. It was rolling around, kicking and moving arms. The spine shows up clear as day, as well as the head and the brain. She showed us the formation of the lens of the eye too! There was a great shot she got of the bottom of Baby's feet and then the cutest one of all...Baby was sucking it's thumb for a few seconds! Ok, all together, "awwwwwww!"

We got up to leave and she handed us 8 or 10 feet of pictures that she had taken and printed! She said that Gramma had to have some and that there should be one for my desk and K's desk too! She was a real sweetheart and was wonderful to talk to for the scan.
So, all the dietary changes and tough restrictions for the fibroid and the supplements multiple times a day and of course the prayers are working beautifully! I cannot thank you all enough. Our God is good!

The Lord hears His people when they call to Him for help. He rescues them from all their troubles. ~ Psalm 34:17

Below is a side profile shot of Baby, fasing the right side of the screen, sucking it's thumb!

Below is Baby actually looking like it was relaxing on it's back, legs in the air, see that cute little ear?!?!?!


Tina Vega said...

Oh, that is SUCH good news!!! The baby is SOOOOOOO cute - I love the one with the little one sucking his/her thumb!!

Megs said...

Ohh! I am so happy for you! God is good and he does hear and answer prayers. I didn't even know that babies could suck their thumbs that early!! :)

Mellissa said...

That was the cutest shot! I sucked my thumb, and I read online last nite that the handedness is already decided and if you have multiple shots of baby thumb sucking and they are all the same hand, that is over 90% going to be the preferred handedness. I think we may have a lefty!

Amy said...

What wonderful news! I am thrilled for you! Great pics too!