Monday, August 11, 2008

I had this whole blog all planned out...

...and I forgot my camera!!! We had our wonderful friends from Iowa up to stay with us for the weekend! The girls (neighbor friend, Iowa friend and I) all went to the spa on Saturday afternoon. Oh it was bilssful! I had a prenatal massage and I learned so much from the massage therapist too! Then we spent a long time in the Oasis after our therapies. What is the Oasis, you ask? Oh the Oasis is a little room of heaven on earth! The spa has a waiting room where you are in your spa robe, with spa slippers, drinking yummy tea or water just relaxing. The lighting is dim, there is a bubbly-gurgly water feature and a crackling fake fireplace. The chairs are deep and cushy and there are soft chenille blankets to cuddle into if you are chilled. Really, it's a terribly relaxing, time-has-stopped room. The 3 of us LOVE it! After the spa, we met back up with the hubbies who had spent the day kayaking and we went out to dinner. Then it was back to our house to play games and laugh. Really, a perfect day!

What's your perfect day?

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