Friday, August 1, 2008

a few changes start today

I had a great conversation with my chiropractor yesterday. After she talked to her Nutrition Guru about me they made a plan. First thing I need to do: eat only whole foods, nothing refined or processed (basically nothing out of a can, bag or box). When I found out I was pregnant I really reduced the processed food that I ate, but now I need to just stop completely. The only thing I am not sure how to do is get the whole grains that I need to get every day. Sure, there is some great brown-whole-grain rice, but what are my other options? Since I am not sure, I will be making an appointment with a nutritionist at Valley Natural Foods. I am excited to learn more about living on whole (REAL) foods! It's certainly a much healthier way to feed and fuel out bodies!

Another recommendation from the Guru is to add 1 gram of fish oil to my daily vitamin intake. I already have 1 gram in the pack of prenatal vitamins, but will be doubling that now. Fish oil is a major anti-inflammatory! It also helps with making good moods! I noticed when I started taking fish oils a year ago that I was just happier, of course, K noticed when I'd forget and *stop* taking them! (oops!) I am also adding a supplement called Dynamic Greens. It too is an anti-inflammatory and super great anti-oxidant that also has probiotics for a healthy gut. The plan is to remove all sources of inflammation and irritation to my body; to give Baby and me real, wholesome sources of nutrition. Fibroids thrive on estrogen (can't get rid of that while being pregnant!) and inflammation in the body. If we can control or eliminate one it may help keep the fibroid from getting any larger.

In addition to those supplement changes I also take a prenatal vitamin pack every day and a liquid iron and mineral supplement. I'll have to remember to take a picture this weekend of all the wonderful things I get to try to remember to take every day! It's kinda funny!

Again, thank you all for your prayers. I am confident that Baby will continue to grow healthy and strong and that we will have a wonderful pregnancy, labor and delivery! I am back to enjoying everyday of this journey with a deep sense of gratitude, peace and continued amazement at all the changes!

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