Wednesday, September 24, 2008

We have an average baby.

Above, our Baby lying on it's side, yawning!

At least that's what the ultrasound says. :-) Baby measured in the 50% for head and chest and leg length and all other sizes so we are right in the middle as far as growth and development. We also got to see the brain and it's hemispheres and cortexes, the 4 chambers and 2 ventricles of the heart, the kidneys, liver, and all the bones! I was amazed at how clearly the bones were developed; it was obvious at first glance when we saw the radius and the ulna (the 2 bones in your lower arm). The spine looks great, tapers where it should in the sacrum and curves at the top in the c-spine. It was just fun to see baby moving all over the place too. The ultrasound tech was fabulous and shared all the details she was seeing and measuring. One thing that was funny, at our last ultrasound the legs were a few days behind in length compared to the rest of the body, and they still the poor baby has my torso is longer in proportion than my legs. Poor baby will have my short legs! Oh, and the other good news is that the fibroid tumor has remained at about the same size as our last ultrasound which is approximately 1/2 the size it was at 9 weeks. The diet and supplements and prayer are obviously still working because normally, the fibroid would be growing throughout pregnancy. So, here is what you've been waiting for...some pics of baby!

Below, Baby on it's side. You can see the lens in its eye, it's the circle in the "top" eye. The arm is tucked under the head like you would if you were lying on your side. Cuuute!!!!

Below, Baby face down, with it's arm under their head, resting...


Amy said...

Great news! Average is good!! Awesome about the fibroid--keep up the good work!

Mellissa said...

Thanks for the prayers and encouragement!

Tina Vega said...

The yawning picture is sooooooooooo cute!

Mellissa said...

Ya, that yawn is my favorite too!