Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Almost time...

Ya, kinda sorta, but not quite. I still don't feel like Baby's birth is imminent. According to one of our due dates, I am officially at 36 weeks today, so anytime after next Wednesday we are set for Baby to be born. In Minnesota it's illegal to have a planned homebirth before 37 weeks. Which I guess makes sense since Baby's lungs are more likely to need help before that magical 37 week mark. While I am having issues sleeping and feeling rested, I don't feel like this baby is going to pop out in the next week or 2 or even least I don't feel like it today. I am not waddling yet and Baby has not dropped, at least not as far as I can tell! The poor little thing is getting crowded in there though and the movements have certainly changed in intensity. Of course, the bladder gets most of the punching now so that makes for some interesting sensations and jolts for the bathroom! I am still loving being pregnant and am enjoying every day, exhaustion and all!

1 comment:

Crystal said...

I'm sure with all the water you drink you really are jolting to the restroom! Glad you have such a good attitude about everything and you can really enjoy this phase.