Friday, January 16, 2009

Baby Predictions

We have a chalk board stripe that I painted on the wall in our living room and it's been the source of great entertainment for the past 4 years. When ever we have a gathering or a party people love to create new artwork for us. So, at the baby shower on Saturday (which was held here) everyone put their predictions for gender, birthdate and weight on the wall.

Here are some things K and I are predicting for/about our Baby...

I think (but not overwhelmingly, just 51%) that this is a boy. I don't think he'll have much hair at all. I think he will be a calm baby, very even keeled like his Daddy. I think he will be born without much crying and will look around with big eyes. I think (maybe it's more hope & pray) that he weighs less than 9 pounds!

My incredibly Hubby, aka Daddy thinks:
This baby is a boy, he will have hair, but it will not last long. He will set records in rock climbing by the age of 1 year. He will weigh 7 pounds 9 ounces.

p.s. if you are looking for chalkboard paint visit your local Ace Hardware store, they sell it by the quart and in spray cans and I absolutely LOVE it!


Tina Vega said...

I love your chalkboard wall, great idea! It reminds me of an apartment I had in Uptown... my roomie and I had a giant strip of butcher paper running down the length of the hallway. We'd write little things down and out visitors would as well. (We called it "The Wall.") So fun!

Mellissa said...

It really is! We call it "the board" usually and the fun things people dream up to decorate it with is awesome! And, best of all, it's easy to edit when necessary! LOL. Thanks for the mention on your blog too!