Thursday, January 15, 2009

Our 36 week midwife appointment

We had our 36 week midwife appointment today and it was at our house! She and her assistant came to our place so they could 1) make sure the map I gave them was correct 2) make sure they knew exactly how to get here 3) could see how our home was laid out and start to imagine my birth here and be prepared for the setting 4) to check to make sure we had all our birthing supplies and that we were ready.

Turns out we had all bases covered. We had a nice visit by the fireplace, which I am sure will be a favorite during labor! (seeing as how it's -18 F without the wind chill right now!) It was a great visit and they gave me a list of a few of their favorite breastfeeding "helping" products as well as some pediatrician recommendations. We really needed the advise on both! We already know that we will not be doing all the recommended vaccinations on the recommended schedule by the CDC. What I didn't know was how to find a pediatrician who won't crucify, but help us make good decisions regarding our child and their health and wellness. I have the name of one now that I am going to call tomorrow to see if we can "interview" her (aka do a meet and greet) to make sure we all connect ok. It would be nice to have a pediatrician picked out before baby is born even though I don't envision Baby getting any vaccinations until after they are 1 year old. I also plan on continuing to use our midwife who is also a Naturopath Physician for many of the ailments that are day to day that may affect our child and chiropractic care too. Health and wellness are not manufactured by *any* drug company in the world. It's up to each one of us to feed, nurture, supplement, exercise and use natural remedies when we can, to set our bodies up for success, then the occasional use of pharmaceuticals can play a role if necessary, not the other way around.

Ok, off the soapbox now, if you're still with me you are probably wondering what else happened at our appointment today! Baby is still head down and is now engaged in my pelvis. I was guessing that since I can feel that my gait is different and I cannot walk as fast as I am used to. It's kinda funny too feeling my hip bones and pelvic bones move! BTW- did you realize that the female pelvis is actually made up of 4 separate bones that are connected by cartilage? Yep, and they move apart as baby descents and open up even more during labor. Pretty cool design the Creator gave us! Baby's heart rate was in the 120s-130s and sounding wonderful! Um, I think that's about it. Have a great day, and if you're in the Central United States, stay warm! We're freezing (actually wayyyyy below freezing here!)!!!

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